Wednesday 7 Oct 2020

October 7: Nehemiah 13:26-32
Key Verse: Nehemiah 13:31
But the men who had gone up with him said, ‘We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.’
One of the biggest obstacles we face with the work we do for God is other people! It often seems like we always get opposition to the work we do as Christians – but this is true for most things in life! We probably recognise it more because we believe we are doing what God has asked and therefore it should be true and supported by everyone! At least, that is how we see it!
God is no stranger to opposition but continues to uphold the truth and point people in the right direction. We may think we are the ones on the front-line who are facing the issues, but God is with us every step of the way. The harder we find the opposition, the more we are listening to that opposition and the less we are focusing on God...
I do love working for God and try to do what I can, when I can and with whomever is willing to work with God too! This has brought me opposition in life as people think I am not focusing enough on their work; but in the words of Jesus ‘for whoever is not against us is for us.’ There-in also lies our weakness because we focus on those who are against us rather than on those who are for us!
Do not be discouraged by the people who stand up against you. Rather continue to focus on what God is asking of you and He will ensure you are able to do his bidding. Caleb was willing to stand up and remind the people they would be able to do anything because God was with them. But still some would rather believe the stories of obstacles and issues before them. God wants us to have faith in what He has asked us to do...
Points to Ponder:
Do you listen more to the troublemakers or to the workers?
Are you willing to trust God’s guidance more than man's today?