Thursday 8 Oct 2020

October 8: Luke 11:1-4
Key Verse: Luke 11:4
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
It’s not always the people who stand up against you, rebel or try to stop you from doing you work which are the ones to look out for either... Sometimes it’s the people who have done something wrong against you and you still carry a grudge against them! These sorts of feeling can stop you from doing God’s work just as much as a physical wall can stop you from entering a room.
When Jesus was asked about how to pray, I wonder whether He was looking into the hearts of any of the disciples with Him. Far too often in our lives we rebel when someone does something a different way to us, and then we hold a grudge against them when they continue to do it their own way. Sometimes we need to embrace the differences within our communities and move forward with the love of Christ in our hearts.
Jesus continued to show the disciples what love was all about by being friends with all the ‘wrong people’ and encouraging them to seek the truth about God. We need to be able to do this as well in our lives. If we are holding grudges or have not forgiven someone because of what they have done in the past, then how are we going to be able to show them the love of Christ?
I have learned to put things behind me and move on in life; this means forgiving people for the things they have done, possibly things which have changed your life. Without that forgiveness, we cannot hope to share the love as Christ did. He was ready to forgive anyone and everyone, but some people just don’t want to look for that forgiveness and that can be a very big stumbling block in everyone's lives.
Points to Ponder:
Do you forgive and move one?
Is there someone who need to know you forgive them?