Sunday 11 Oct 2020

October 11: John 3:27-30
Key Verse: John 3:20
He must become greater; I must become less.
When John was baptising people, a lot of people had ideas about who he was; some saying he was the Messiah they had been waiting for... But that was just the hope the people had overflowing and becoming confused with what they were seeing. John made sure people knew he was not the Messiah but that God would be sending someone from Heaven to come and do much more than he could do.
John knew he had a task to do which was given to him by God and he did not stop trying to do as much as he could telling people about Christ and God.. I wonder how many people tried to stop John from baptising people. I wonder how much opposition he got from the Pharisees and people in charge at the time...
When we step forward in faith and do what God is calling us to do, people are going to make up their own minds about who we are and what we are doing. I have been labelled as many things which I put down because they are too fanciful for me, a plain human being, doing what God has called me to do. I don’t do it for fame or fortune. I do not do it for recognition. But I do stand up against people who will try to put me down for doing what God has called me to do!
When need to remain faithful to the calling God has called each of us to do. We need to remain vigilant to those who would oppose us and berate God. We need to continue making sure God gets the glory for what He has asked us to do. When we are faithful and continue to work as He asks – He is faithful to give us what we need to accomplish His requests!
Points to Ponder:
How much do you do for God?
How much recognition do you require?