Saturday 10 Oct 2020

October 10: Mark 3:1-6
Key Verse: Mark 3:3
Jesus said to the man with the shrivelled hand, ‘Stand up in front of everyone.’
Jesus knew what the people were plotting, and He knew what was in their hearts; but He knew what God wanted and that was more important to share than what mankind was plotting! How many times have you shied away from doing something because people would say something bad about you for doing it? How many times have you given in to the pressures of people rather than standing up for what is righteous?
Difficult questions in difficult times... As we watch the number of cases of Coronavirus steadily climb in the UK, we wonder what we should be doing and what people are going to say when we do something different... so we continue to do the normal and nothing changes!
Well, if there was ever a time to stand up and make a difference, it is now. Not because the whole world is going to be watching you, but because not many people will see you doing anything! If you were scared to do anything beforehand, now is the time to do something when the streets are quieter and when others are focused on other things...
Jesus continues to call us to do His work no matter what is going on in the world around us. We can do so many things as Christians and now is our time to stand up and shine like the lights Jesus has made us to be. Now is the time to make a difference – not by breaking all the rules, but by doing what we can within the rules and showing people God cares for them.
Points to Ponder:
How many people do you know who are struggling?
Are you trying to make a difference in their lives?