Saturday 17 Oct 2020

October 17: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
How many times have you started to read a verse or passage in the bible and just stopped because it was all a bit too much? There are going to be times when we do find things all a bit too much and we have to stop for a season just so we can get back on level ground. It is very hard to play a game of football on a slope because the ball will always run away from you... having level ground helps you to feel like there is some reason for trying something!
The thing is, unless we try to do something, we are not going to know if it is possible or not. If we try and we fail, then we will have a new knowledge of things which do not work. If we try but we succeed, then we know a way forward. But it is hard when you continue trying and failing – that is when your strength and resolve start to be tested.
When a sower tosses seeds into the field, they know not every seed is going to produce something; but they sow because they know some will succeed. There is a limit to how much you can sow and through practise we get to know just how much we have to sow. If we sow too little, then we find the harvest will not be as much as we expect. If we sow too much, we find we have a good harvest, but we have also spent too much on seeds to have a good return on our investment.
When we show we are willing to try, people notice, and some are willing to help. When we show we are trying, others are more willing to step forward and give good advice, so we are more likely to succeed. Just as there may be more opposition, there will also be more support and God will be at the centre of that support!
Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like giving up?
Will you try something slightly different today if it has not worked?