Friday 16 Oct 2020

October 16: Philippians 4:10-13
Key Verse: Philippians 4:11
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
As much as we may think we can give all the time, there will come a time when you must receive instead of giving. How you go about this will show a lot about your true personality to others. I love the way Paul seems to get a bit tongue tied here and especially in the following verses. Each thank you which comes out of his mouth seems to be the wrong words and he adds a few more... If we are honest, we will admit to being much the same!
It seems a lot easier to give than receive because you can make some great statement about giving or how much the person deserves or needs what you are giving – but when it comes to receiving, we often don’t know what to say. We may want to say, ‘Yes Please, can I have some more!’ or we may want to say, ‘Just what I needed!’ but we end up apologising in some way instead.
God wants each of us to be honest and open about our circumstances – which can be, and often is, very difficult to do. We don’t want others to worry about our circumstances or to worry about what we need... but as Christians we need to be honest and open as much as possible. Being content with what we do receive is always going to be the best approach for our own wellbeing.
If we set our hearts on desiring more, the more we receive, the more we want; and the cycle continues until our greed takes over our lives. If we set our hearts on wants instead of needs, we end up having lots of stuff, but not all we need. God can supply us with so much more than we need but being content with what He gives us is all we really need.
Points to Ponder:
How much do you receive, honestly?
How much do you want instead of need?