Monday 9 Nov 2020

November 9: 2 Timothy 2:1-7
Key Verse: 2 Timothy 2:6
The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.
How good is your country at serving justice? Unlike tyranny, justice works for the good of the country and its people, not for the good of a single leader! The people who do the work should be the people who are rewarded for what they contribute toward the good of others. Individual reward should be given when it is due, not because the few have the positions which have titles to them...
Jesus did not come down as a God who did everything His own way, or as an all-powerful God who wanted complete control over everything. Instead, He humbled Himself before mankind to show His utter love for us. He gave His life for us so that we could be free. The United Kingdom has just celebrated a Remembrance Day with a big difference because the crowds were not there due to the Covid pandemic. We remembered all those who humbled themselves before their country and gave their lives so we could live.
We should never forget what they have done, just as we never forget what Christ has done for us. These are the people who deserve the reward, not the people who govern with iron fists or guns...
I used to live on the edge of a farmer's field where I would see farmers working long and hard hours, even into the small hours of the morning if that was what was needed. They did this because they wanted to, and they knew what was best to deliver the best crops every year.
Everyone can reach out to others in a humble and loving way; if we try!
Points to Ponder:
Are you reaching out to people?
Will you step forward and offer help to someone today?