Tuesday 10 Nov 2020

November 10: Luke 22:35-38
Key Verse: Luke 22:36
He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
How many times have you stopped what you were doing because you saw someone else doing what you were trying to achieve? How many times have you stopped just because the going got a bit tough for you? If we are brutally honest, we have all thrown in the towel at some stage in our lives just because it got a bit difficult or it looked like someone else was doing it better!
Jesus knew what lay ahead for the next few hours and days, yet He continued to press forward doing everything which was required so we could enjoy the gift He was giving us! Jesus knew a sword would be needed to complete His work and He wanted to make sure they had a sword at hand. He did not promise a smooth ride all the way. He did not promise an easy life for the disciples. But He gave them hope to look forward to!
I am writing this just as the news is breaking about a viable vaccine being available to help against Coronavirus! We are being given hope, but even with that hope we are still a long way off being ‘safe’ because we are facing terrible times ahead until such time as the vaccine is made available to everyone. There will still be heartbreak and sorry as people continue to die and be adversely affected by the virus – but we have hope!
Jesus had to be counted as a rebel, as a villain, as someone who was working against the country in order for Him to be hung on the cross for our cause. He knew what lay ahead, but knew He had to endure so we could have hope. Just as we were talking about people in the wars and conflicts before us laying down their lives for our sake, so too are we called to lay down our pride and desires to give others hope in Christ!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you focus on other's needs?
Will you set aside your desires for someone else's needs today?