Saturday 19 Dec 2020

December 19: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15
Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:13
Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.
Wouldn’t the world be so much better if we were all able to live in peace with each other! Well, there is nothing stopping us from making a start because peace does have to start with someone making the first move after arguments, fighting, wars and such... But far too often we allow our pride to get in the way of things and we stop trying to make the peaceful move in the first place!
How about stopping to think about who does what, where and when... I know lockdowns are hard on everyone and we all try to just get on and do something, but we do need to acknowledge those people who are already trying. We have some fantastic church leaders who are striving to share God’s peace and faithfulness with a peace and faithfulness of their own...
How about stepping forward and asking if you can help with something or asking a neighbour if they need a hand with anything. Someone must make the first move to start the ball rolling. Jesus came into this world to not just make the first move but to start an avalanche which would shake the core of the church!
One way of starting to share peace is to mobilise people who have sat on the outskirts watching what others do. Getting people involved with what God is trying to do in your communities will make for a community which think about others. Yes, there will always be those who do not embrace the peace, but this should not stop us from making the peace grow in the first place!
Points to Ponder:
What are you doing to show others some of God’s peace?
Will you stop and help someone today?