Sunday 20 Dec 2020

December 20: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:16
Rejoice always
Ok, who is going to start the online party today? Seems such a far cry from last Christmas where we were able to be with each other in person most places around the world – but this year things are going to be very different for many of us. I am moving this Christmas! That is going to be a bit different!
I love the words from these verses: Rejoice always! We always can find something to be happy about and to share that happiness with others! We need to keep rejoicing in what we have. We recently said our final goodbye to my dad a few weeks ago, but we found so many good memories about all he was able to do over the years he was alive with us. We were able to rejoice as well as mourn on the day of his funeral.
If you are finding it hard to think of anything to rejoice about, stop and lift up your prayers to God. Yes, He knows about your position, but if you don’t acknowledge things to Him, you are never going to get them off your chest! God wants us to be free from our burdens, which means giving them to Him so we can rejoice is what we do have!
Listen to the good news from those around you and lift it up for others to be encouraged with. God wants us to share the good news, not just the gospel and His miracles, but everything we do with Him. Turning away from temptations and evil in our lives will allow us to see better and better things. Evil always eclipses everything when you focus on it instead of on God. Allow God to bring you the peace you deserve – the peace He has promised you!
Points to Ponder:
What are you focusing on today?
Will you allow God’s peace to shine today?