Monday 21 Dec 2020

December 21: John 1:9-13
Key Verse: John 1:10
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognise him.
When you make something, you will normally be able to recognise what you have made for some time; some of those things will be your pride and joys which you will never forget. When God made the world, He created something which He was proud of and something we all marvel at in our lives; but still there are people who refuse to believe He was responsible for creating the world!
It is wonderful to be able to study art and construction because many things will please us in ways we cannot explain in full. How does a piece of art invoke such emotion within us? How do people not have more emotion invoked by what God has done for us?
God has given us something which is so special it gives us what we need to be children of God; we just make the choice to believe in Him and He makes sure we are filled with love, joy and peace. But the person standing by our side may choose to not believe in God and they will have to rely on our love, joy and peace rather than having their own.
As we make our way through the last few days before Christmas, many of us face the idea of not being able to be with the people we love on Christmas day because of the pandemic still affecting so much of the world. Though we may be apart, we still will have the love, joy and peace God has already given us to sustain us until we are able to be with each other safely once again.
Points to Ponder:
How much do you get out of your relationship with God?
Will you step forward and take on a complete relationship with Christ this year