Wednesday 23 Dec 2020

December 23: John 1:19-23
Key Verse: John 1:21
They asked him, ‘Then who are you? Are you Elijah?’ He said, ‘I am not.’ ‘Are you the Prophet?’ He answered, ‘No.’
What would you do if someone mistook you for someone famous? Would you revel in the mistake and take advantage of it, or would you try to persuade them you are just plain old you? I do remember seeing someone in a film who looked just like me (albeit about 30 years ago) and wondering what it would be like to be them...
Most of the time I have passed on opportunities to raise my profile and have, instead, wanted to remain anonymous. I do see the attraction of publicity, but also fear what it would bring me. I do, however, like being able to help others whenever I can and wouldn’t mind if I had the opportunity to do more for people; but my choices should be guided by Christ and not by money or notoriety!
When God calls us to step forward for Him, it is not so we can gain popularity or gain massive income from working in churches; God calls us to be faithful servants, willing to do things when He asks. This is a very different culture to some large organisations or even large churches. Jesus did not command any salary, and even warned the disciples they should go out and teach the gospel without expecting anything; instead waiting on God and allowing Him to give what was needed.
John was living what we may think of as a rough life, eating strange foods and wearing what was provided. He did this because God had called him to be a servant, preparing the way for Jesus and not lining his own pockets.
Points to Ponder:
What rewards do you expect for doing God’s work?
How hard would you work if you knew there was no income?