Thursday 24 Dec 2020

December 24: Matthew 1:18-25
Key Verse: Matthew 1:24
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.
As we wake up tomorrow, we should be remembering what God has done for us by remembering the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It was no ordinary birth; not that there are ever ordinary births because we are all God’s children! This birth was to be remembered for many good and many bad reasons. We remember all the good reasons because we know what God was doing and we see the results of what He has done for us.
On the other hand, some people would be looking at this birth as something not welcome and even a disgrace to the Jews. Something God knew was going to happen and what had been foretold many years ago by the prophets. All this was unravelling just as the prophets had said, but people did not want to believe because it meant big changes in the way they had grown used to living.
None of us like too many changes in our lives because we have to get used to all new things, but God wants us to see how change can be good and change can welcome in new ways of living. If we are willing to change our ways and walk away from the sin in our lives, we will see changes which God wants in our lives; Jesus came to change things in a big way!
Joseph was ‘on the front line’ of this extraordinary birth and in normal circumstances would have every reason to reject Mary and the baby; but God called Him to love and protect the baby Jesus because He was a gift from God. We should never turn our backs on what God is giving us – no matter what the world has to say about it!
Points to Ponder:
Do you see what God is giving you?
Will you accept God’s gift with open arms?