Sunday 27 Dec 2020

December 27: Galatians 3:23-25
Key Verse: Galatians 3:25
Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.
Before Christ came to live amongst us, we were all caught up in the law as given to Moses and upheld by many prophets and chief priests over the ages. Those laws were the guidance we needed to try and live our lives according to the will and wishes of God; we had to depend on the prophets and priests to faithfully recount what God was telling them to pass on to us.
As the first verse tells us, we were being held custody under the law and there was nothing we could do other than to try and keep all the laws – the problems being it was not within our powers to keep all the laws all the time. Therefore, God allowed Jesus to come down to be the ultimate sacrifice for us; to cover our sins once and for all instead of us having to placate God through giving sacrifices at regular intervals!
But when Jesus gave us the instructions we needed to hear, fulfilled the sayings of the prophets and became the very last sacrifice which was to be needed, we were released from that custody into the arms of our own faith. We were given the choice to believe in Jesus and to accept His sacrifice for all of our sins, past, present and future!
We now live under the grace period where we are still given the choice to believe in what Jesus has done so we can be set free from our sins. Indeed, throughout the New Testament we are told if we simply believe in our hearts this is what Jesus did for us, then we will be set free and forgiven once and for all!
Points to Ponder:
Do you believe Jesus came to be your sacrifice?
Will you continue to trust in His word and have faith in His promises?