Monday 28 Dec 2020

December 28: Psalm 147:1
Key Verse: Psalm 147:1
Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!

One of the things I have missed most during these various lock-downs is the gathering together of all our church people on a Sunday for praise and worship... and it looks like this is going to continue to be the norm until we are all vaccinated and it is deemed safe to meet up once again!
No matter how far we are apart, or how close but behind locked doors, we can still praise and worship God, albeit in our own homes. If you are feeling down or alone, try tuning into a worship service somewhere else or listen online to some worshipful singing. We do still have our memory and we do still have recordings of lots of people worshipping God without restriction. Try to focus on the act of worship and not the feeling of not being with others. Try to focus on God and not on your feeling of somehow being inadequate.
I like to switch on a portable speaker and stream worship songs so I can listen to the words and focus on God for a while; blocking out the world and all the terrible things going on up and down the land.
And, the best thing is, it does not even have to be a Sunday when you tune in a praise God – Do it daily and without limit – but try to think of your neighbours and don’t turn up the volume too loud!
God has always been faithful, and we can do so by praising Him at all times!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you praise God?
Will you turn off the world and turn on some worship songs now