Tuesday 29 Dec 2020

December 29: 1 John 1:5-7
Key Verse: 1 John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

The disciples may be seen to be the lucky ones who were able to spend time with Jesus in person; or they could be looked at as the unlucky ones upon whom the weight of spreading the gospel fell without limit! There are two sides to most things in life and depending on how we are at the time, we may well come up with different answers to the same question...
This letter describes the feeling of one evangelist who wanted to make sure other people got to hear about Jesus and were given the opportunity to make their own decisions about just who Jesus is! The words here describe the pride and joy this self-proclaimed evangelist knew because he lived at the time Jesus was alive!
These words are our gift from God to encourage us and to lift us up to the same position of peace and joy this evangelist knew! Our words to each other are what we have to encourage each other to praise and worship our God openly and freely. I do pray for all those around the world who are held under persecution and are not free to publicly worship Jesus and to know this joy and peace first-hand in a way we do in a free country.
God wants us all to be able to walk in the light Jesus brought with Him to earth. God wants us to be able to share that light with others and to be able to show others what it means to have this light in our lives. It is because of the light, love, living water and faithfulness of Jesus that we are able to live with Him and know we will join Him in heaven one day!
Points to Ponder:
Do you still creep around in the shadows?
Will you switch on the lights and allow people to see what God means to you?