Thursday 31 Dec 2020

December 31: Psalm 58:1-2
Key Verse: Psalm 58:1
Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity?
I started out watching the news and ended up switching everything off because of the constant bickering going on amongst the politicians who all say they are doing the best for the country, but cannot seem to agree on what is best! Too many of them seem to be focused on what other people are going to say and think of them rather than what is best for the country as a whole!
God is nothing like that. He created the world and continues to watch over us every step of the way. It may seem like He has lost touch with us, but this is due to the way people are acting and promoting everything else under the sun rather than the truth and God! Needless to say I switched over to listening to some worshipful music instead!
We don’t have to focus on the bad and evil things in this world – not saying all politicians are bad, we just see the worst of them because that is what the news portrays! We can focus on the good and righteous things of this world and lift up the truth, sharing God’s love instead.
I have been pleasantly surprised to find out how many people are willing to help out when you ask. I am also hopeful we will be able to share a bit more of the gospel openly over the coming months – heads ducked down during lock-down and social distancing until we get to a safer point in time...
Let us end this year with a high note by praising God for all He has done to keep us alive despite all the wrangling of the people in power!
Points to Ponder:
What do you think of your local politicians?
What do you think you would do in their place?