Friday 1 Jan 2021

January 1: Luke 2:15-18
Key Verse: Luke 2:15
When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’
Happy New Year! What are you going to be doing differently this year? I start out this New Year in a new home with a lot of new work to do for the church. It may not seem like the best time to try and start off something new, but when you look back on things, how many times do you think “I should have done a bit more planning!”
There is a lot of things we can still do for the church and for the people around us even in lock-down. I know not everyone is tech-savvy and many are daunted by the thought of having to try and do something online – but have you reached out to someone who is tech-savvy and maybe not a part of your church yet?
When Nehemiah went back to rebuild the walls, he approached anyone who was willing to do some work, citing that the repairs would benefit everyone! When we build a real church community, it does benefit everyone. I have seen this first-hand in London and I really want to show people how true this is not matter where we live!
God does not just want us to grow an insular group of people who become stronger in their relationship with Him, but to reach out to others and allow them to become part of the church because they feel like they have something to offer – the best way to engage people is to allow them to see how much they are appreciated and how much they can do things for others!
Points to Ponder:
What are your goals this year?
Will you reach out and get someone new involved?