Wednesday 6 Jan 2021

January 6: Mark 6:35-44
Key Verse: Mark 6:37
But he answered, ‘You give them something to eat.’ They said to him, ‘That would take more than half a year’s wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?’
The choices God gives us can sometimes confound us just as the choice Jesus gives the disciples here. The disciples could see the thousands of people all around and they knew they had very little and now Jesus was telling them to feed all of the people with virtually nothing! But, when God asks you to do something, He already has a plan in hand and we just have to follow His instructions.
God wants us to be brave and be willing to give everything for those in need; whether it is to feed a hungry person on the side of the road or to just give a stranger a word of encouragement, God is asking us to listen to His instructions and to trust Him with those instructions.
I bet the disciples were a bit perplexed when they found out the sum total of food the crowd had brought with them was five loaves and two fishes! But this was no obstacle for God – the only people with the obstacles in front of them were the disciples and probably anyone who overheard them talking! People just don’t believe miracles are going to happen to them!
Jesus continues to show us miracles every day, but most of them go unnoticed as we put things down to random chance and other people’s decisions. But God can and does use all manner of people to make miracles happen. Here He used the people or person who brought along the loaves and fishes to be able to feed thousands of people!
Points to Ponder:
Do you limit God with what you think is possible?
Will you allow God to show you miraculous ways?