Tuesday 5 Jan 2021

January 5: Judges 6:13-19
Key Verse: Judges 6:15
‘Pardon me, my lord,’ Gideon replied, ‘but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.’
Sometimes we will want to question what God says to us, be it directly or through other people; we will have doubts and we may even believe we have heard things wrong or others are not telling us what God actually wants... Our lives are filled with moments, feelings and thoughts which are not too dissimilar to this!
Gideon did not want to believe the words he was hearing from the angel; how could he, being the least from his family, a family least amongst others who were greater in standing and probably prowess, how could he be the one being called to defeat the Midianites!
God knows what we are capable of, but He also know how much more can be accomplished by us when we trust in Him. Gideon was not strong enough to take on the Midianites, and nor would the army be which was gathered together. So God strips the army of Gideon down to a bare minimum, a minimum so small there would be no hope of getting close to the Midianites, never mind overthrowing them!
Sometimes God is going to lead us into places where nothing makes sense according to our rules or the rules of the world, but He does know what He is doing and knows how best to use us so He succeeds where nobody else can! It all comes down to the trust we have in Him and His words...
Points to Ponder:
How much do you think you trust God?
Are you willing to lay aside your life to work with Him?