Friday 8 Jan 2021

January 8: Luke 2:41-50
Key Verse: Luke 2:44
Thinking he was in their company, they travelled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends.
You may read these verses and wonder how Jesus’ parents could be so lax about looking after their child, but you need to take into account the way these people lived back then and how communities were very safe places! It is little wonder there are multiple places in the bible which talk about the safety of being in a community, city or group of people which has God looking after them.
We are very different in our societies nowadays with child abuse and all manner of evil things being commonplace; it was not like this back then! God continued to encourage the Israelites to be one community, one people, who trusted each other and continually looked out for each other. I can remember being back in Zimbabwe when I was a youngster and it was common for us children to be around other people’s houses without being worried about anything – we knew our community was safe!
When Joseph and Mary finally realised their son was not with them in the caravan (not a house on wheels, but a group of travelling people) they turned round and went back to find him. I can imagine the panic because it is not nice to not know where your children are!
But Jesus knew He was safe because He was going about His Father’s will. But, as a young child, He did not realise the worry and stress He was putting on His earthly parents – had He known, I’m sure He would have acted differently. Jesus compassion for everyone, and not just physical family, is shown in bucket loads here – something we need to try and emulate in our lives!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you care for others?
Who do you choose when God asks you to do something for Him?