Saturday 9 Jan 2021

January 9: Ephesians 6:1-9
Key Verse: Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Sometimes I read through a section of scripture and wonder what has impressed the writer to write such things – like these words trying to encourage peaceful living with all manner of people. And then you read the latest news and wonder what people are even thinking about to make them so violent against fellow countrymen!
Let’s face it, we, humans, are a right bunch who can be incited to do some pretty horrible things against other human beings – and it goes through all communities and societies. None of us are immune to these things, but we do have ready help to guide us in our lives. Words like these written down by the apostles to encourage us to do what is righteous for all people and not just those we choose!
God wants us to live with everyone as one people – all with access to God’s Word and to His way of life for us all. That means encouraging each other to have free access to His Word and to share it and it’s ideals with the people around us all the time and not just when we choose!
It is easy to think about doing the right thing but stopping and analysing what you do and adjusting your ways to be more in line with Christ’s ways does take courage and strength! God wants to give us the strength and will-power to do what is right; we need to listen to Him in order to do that! Stop and think about why you do the things you do – then try and think about what Jesus would try to do if He were in your shoes...
Points to Ponder:
Do you call yourself a Christian?
Do you do what Jesus would do?