Sunday 10 Jan 2021

January 10: Genesis 1:1-5
Key Verse: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
I can remember some of those amazing days back in the late 60’s when the astronauts went to the moon; not much detail, but I can remember standing outside in the dark waiting for the sputnik to fly over and all the hype about people getting to the moon! It is only now I appreciate how extraordinary the task was for the technology we had back then.
Why then were these words chosen for Anders, Lovell and Borman to read to the world as they went round the moon? Apparently it was suggested by the wife of a certain official at the time because the USA was still involved with the Vietnam war and quoting peace on earth or a Christmas message was not deemed appropriate...
But I still love the fact they chose words from the bible to speak to the world as they came out of the shadow of the moon and were able to speak to earth once again. The sight of the earth rising over the horizon of the moon is remarkable (I say that because I can review photographs of the sight and not because I was there!)
God has given us so much and we continue to try and better ourselves; but on many occasions we step on other people’s toes or we upset others through what we do. We cannot please everyone all of the time because we all have our own views and we change... but we can aim to try and please God all of the time because we know He does not change!
Points to Ponder:
Who do you try to please in your life?
Will you aim to please God today?