Saturday 13 Mar 2021

March 13: Luke 18:9-14
Key Verse: Luke 18:13
But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
This is one of those parables which sums up Jesus to me, one I should want to live my life by, one a do strive to live close to. I know I am not worthy of all Christ does for me, but I do know he does so much for me all the time and I praise Him for this! Jesus looks at the heart of the person and not what the world will see or what the world proclaims about the person!
I do wonder what I would be like if I had continued to strive for all the earthly things I once strived for. I do wonder how far I would have gone away from God as I tried to embrace more of the world and more of the wealth I though was important at the time. But then I also look back at what has happened in my past and I realise a lot of it happened that way so I could learn what is like to be both rich and poor, careless and careful, dishonest and honest. God was allowing me to grow into the person I thank Him for today!
Despite people telling me I should be doing more, investing, and all the trapping of this modern world, I continue to set time aside every day to draw closer to God and to find out what it is He wants me to learn about today. As we move slowly out of lockdown and move forward with hope these vaccines are giving us in the fight against this virus, I thank God He has managed to keep me safe and prepare me for what comes now.
I know my past and I admit to the things I have done wrong – I can’t hide that. I know I still have issues and I still grow weary in my walk with Christ – but I do strive to move forward and to try and draw closer to Him each day... just by spending time with Him and being reminded of my path I chose in life. Be thankful for each day God gives you and move a little closer to Him instead of trying to impress the world!
Points to Ponder:
What do you think your strengths are?
What do you admit as your weaknesses to God?