Sunday 14 Mar 2021

March 14: Numbers 21:4-9
Key Verse: Numbers 21:9
So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.
How long before you start complaining about what God is NOT doing for you? We live in a world which is driven by people demanding more for less, and nothing much has changed since the beginning of our time on earth. We continue to want bargains but never want to be the ones who have to shell out in some way to make sure these bargains can be made available.
Back when Moses was trying to lead the people through the desert, they became restless and began to want more from God. We may look back on it and say “how dare they demand more from God”, but we are just as guilty as them nowadays. We have been given so much from God and yet we want more and start complaining when we don’t get it quick enough!
This is what the people were doing – complaining because things were not going according to how they wanted! They wanted God to change up the timetable and make them more comfortable again. Instead, God allowed them to remember just how much He was doing for them. Never mind the fact they had been allowed to escape from slavery and they had made it out of the clutches of a great army...
Stop and think about what God has already done for you and give Him thanks for everything He continues to do. You will be surprised to find out how much God continues to do for you every day and how much we have to praise Him for! Don’t give in to greed and impatience; step back and allow God to show you what to do next and obey!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you complain about things?
Are you still complaining even though God just wants you to look up?