Friday 19 Mar 2021

March 19: Romans 4:13-18
Key Verse: Romans 4:18
Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’
It is reminders like these which not just give us hope, but give us encouragement and strengthen our belief in a God who keeps His promises. Abraham did not inherit anything because he kept the laws or because he was a good man – he got his inheritance from a God who promised it to him if he kept his faith!
Was it a requirement to have demonstrate his faith in some way? No, it was the act of having faith in the promise God had given him. We all fall over at times because we stumble or lose our footing. But if we keep on believing we can continue to get up and walk even after we fall over, then we have faith in something! God wants us to have that belief in His promises for and to us. God wants us to know we can depend on His promises!
If we relied on the law, then we would all be in for a big disappointment – the only thing we would gain is the wrath of God when we broke the law! If we make our hope in laws, then the only thing we will definitely see is how we falter and break the law! But we know how Jesus came to earth and gave us hope because He took on the debt we owe for our sins – He gave us a way of ensuring we have hope!
We need to step up and believe in that hope Christ has given us. We need to remain strong in our belief God allowed this to happen so we could join Him in Heaven! It is our faith, no matter how small and insignificant, which will allow us to join Him in Heaven!
Points to Ponder:
Do you think you have enough faith?
If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you have enough!