Thursday 18 Mar 2021

March 18: Exodus 32:7–14
Key Verse: Exodus 32:14
Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.
How many times have you given into temptation because it looked so much better than what you were going through at the time? The English saying “the grass is always greener on the other side” comes to mind – we see what we don’t have as being better than what we do have because we don’t actually know what we don’t have! We look for a fast and easy solution!
When the people of Israel were at the bottom of the mountain and Moses was at the top with God, they became restless and wanted some sort of comfort and gratification there and then... why should they have to wait for Moses to come down the mountain after days or weeks when they could go back to their old ways and their old gods right then and there!
God was trying to educate Moses by showing him what was needed and how the people could draw closer to Him; but the people chose to follow their own ideas instead of waiting patiently on God. Sometimes we are called to wait while we learn more and those are the hard times for us because we want instant gratification instead.
God wants us to learn the right way so we will remember those ways He wants us to learn. God wants us to have the choice of doing the right thing and that is why He allows us to make our own decisions – even when they are the wrong ones. It’s not too surprising this makes God cross! But as we see here, He is willing to forgive no matter what the crime; as long as we are willing to come before Him with humility!
Points to Ponder:
Do you take decisions based on what you want to need?
Will you allow God to show you what you need?