Tuesday 23 Mar 2021

March 23: John 8:27-30
Key Verse: John 8:28
So Jesus said, ‘When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.
How many times have you not believed something until it was too late? I know I have been in that boat many times before and so, now, I tend to believe my friends and family and I have not missed out in so much anymore; but it also means I have to spend more time supporting friends and family too. That has made me a much better person!
I believe this is one of the main reasons why Jesus wants us to love and support our neighbours so much. If we can all draw closer and spend more time together, Covid depending, then I believe our communities will grow into much better places to live. When I first moved onto an estate in London, I was very surprised by the amount of people who were willing to take a chance and make a difference. Don’t be put off by the look of a problem or by the statistics the government or other authorities put on different places – God knows what is in people’s hearts much more than we do. Trust Him.
Jesus knew what lay ahead for Him and He knew how much He was going to have to do in order for us to know Him as the Son of God. He was willing to do this all despite the horror which lay ahead. If He was willing to do this for us even before we knew Him, then how much more should we be willing to do this for the people we are getting to know in our communities!
God has spent a lot of time preparing the ground – we need to come in and tend to the ground so His long-standing work is not in vain! Just as you love and support your God, love and support your community because God has put the people into your community for a reason!
Points to Ponder:
How many opportunities do you see in your community?
What are you going to do about it?