Wednesday 24 Mar 2021

March 24: John 8:31-38
Key Verse: John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
I always find the language fascinating as used by the people at the time this was happening. To be able to wonder where they were in their hearts and where they were spiritually gives the gospels so much more body! We could look at this and wonder why they could not see their history as we see it. You could look at this and think why they could not recognise Jesus as the Messiah. Or you could look at this and wonder what God wants you to gain from it!
If you are not wondering what God wants you to learn, then, just maybe, you are trying to lay the blame on someone else’s shoulders. This is the stance we take too many times in our lives – we want to apportion some blame on someone else or make it so there is a defined reason for everything which happened... Maybe what we should be doing more often is stopping what we are doing and thinking about what we can learn from these words!
God gave us the bible so we could learn more, draw closer to Him and apportion praise and worship where it should be sent rather than blaming others for things we do not have control over. God wants us to grow in our lives with Him and not to be strangled by pit holes and trappings we cannot avoid because of our nature.
When we accept Christ’s ways into our lives we are going to find a new freedom in our lives which when have never had before. Before, when we felt trapped by unseen forces and circumstance, we can step back and see a new way forward offering us hope and freedom with God at the middle! Aim for what Christ is trying to teach us and not for how we can blame others for things wrong in our lives.
Points to Ponder:
Do you like blaming others?
Will you accept the path Christ lays before you?