Tuesday 30 Mar 2021

March 30: John 12:20-26
Key Verse: John 12:24
Very truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
I love the way Jesus told the disciples the truth no matter how bad things seemed to be; but He always made sure they still had hope – a hope for a future with Him in Heaven for eternity! The passage starts out by telling us how other people wanted to come and worship at the temple, not just the Jews.
Jesus came to open the doors for everyone to be able to come to join Him, not just the Israelites but the Greeks as well. Jesus opens the door for us all which was seen by the kinds of people He met with and even socialised with. Just because we are not of the tribe of Judah, or any other Israeli tribe, does not mean we will be excluded. We are all included as God’s children, part of His family.
What Jesus wanted people to start seeing here is how we all have to sacrifice something in our lives to do the right thing. We may have a wonderful life, home, car, whatever, but if we are not willing to open our lives and homes to others, we are excluding God’s people! Jesus highlights this by reminding us of the simplicity of nature – unless a seed is planted and allowed to change, it will not grow into another plant.
Christ wants us all to know we do have to change in order to grow in our lives with Him; turning our backs on the ways of the world and embracing God’s ways. This does not mean we have to turn our backs on the people of the world – far from it. God wants us to embrace the people and be the example of a seed being planted, dying and coming back to life as something new and special.
Points to Ponder:
How comfortable are you in your life?
Will you try to share your life with someone else (as we start to come out of lockdown)