Wednesday 31 Mar 2021

March 31: John 13:21-30
Key Verse: John 13:21
After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, “Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.”
We all like to think we will never let God down, how we will always listen to Him and obey when He asks or directs, but the truth is we all fall short of the mark and we all let Him down every day! Every day? Yes, every day! No matter how small the infraction, we all do something wrong against God’s will every day just because we have free choice and are surrounded by temptation all the time.
God knew this and knew not matter how much His chosen people said they would follow Him, they, and us, would falter at some stage. This has been shown to us time and time again in the Old Testament as the people went after their own beliefs when they grew tired of waiting for God or when they got side-tracked by things and people around them.
We live in similar times nowadays too; we get side-tracked by all manner of things and people. We let God down because we are weak and we fall for the many temptations which surround us. But God still loves us! That is the key thing here! The love of God goes far beyond our failing and our strengths. God’s love went all the way to the cross and beyond. Jesus knew what he had to do and He even understood how one of His disciples would betray Him in the final days – just because they wanted a bit of money!
Even though we face temptations, trials and sinful ways, we do still have a choice as to what we do before the case, during the case and after the case! We have the choice to try and avoid bad situations. We have the choice to leave bad places. We have the choice to ask for forgiveness when we know we have done wrong. This is why Christ went through this all – so we have that final choice, the one which can save us!
Points to Ponder:
How many things have you done wrong already today?
Will you ask Christ to forgive you?