Thursday 1 Apr 2021

April 1: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:26
For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
Jesus tried to remind the disciples about the poor and needy whenever He could, and on this occasion, He wanted them to think about what it means when they sit down to a meal in remembrance of God. When we do ask for God’s blessing on the meal, are we doing it out of habit, or are we really remembering what it all means.
As we come up to Easter we remember all Christ did for us and all the history which lead to this – I think modern Christians have got pretty good at setting up reminders of all things which have happened – but some of us may not be thinking about the right stuff in our hearts!
When we remember how Jesus’ body was broken for us and how He shed blood for us, we also need to remember who He did this for and why. How can we sit at a nice big family table and enjoy a great meal, saying all the right things about how Jesus died for us when we are not doing what we can to show love and support for the people Jesus wanted to show love and support for?
Jesus showed His love, mercy, support, forgiveness and so much more for every one of us, from the richest to the poorest, from the healthiest to the sick and infirm. Jesus wants us to remember these same people when we sit at the table to remember Him. Jesus wants us to know what was going through Jesus’ heart by remembering these same people as He did all those years ago. Jesus reached out to us, sinners. We should be reaching out to others – not just because they are part of our family circle, but because they are loved by God!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you thank God for your food and drink?
How often do you share your food and drink?