Monday 5 Apr 2021

April 5: Acts 2:22-32
Key Verse: Acts 2:32
God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it.
After the disciples had had time to think about what Christ had done and how much it meant to them, they made sure they went out and told other people just how special that first Easter was and is! We can now read about their reactions to what happened and we can made informed decisions about it... but still many choose to put Christ aside and ignore the Easter story.
We need to be more like the disciples and face up to people who make excuses about what Christ means to them. I know I have been there and made excuses so I would not have to go to church, or made excuses so I would not have to tell others about Christ... but as time goes by I see just how important it is to not just know the Easter story, but to re-tell it!
We have many writings from before Christ even came to earth to tell us about the things which would come to pass. Many people either ignored those writings or refused to believe Jesus could come to earth as a mere human being! This is exactly what He did – to make sure we understood this can happen for us too!
I have just listened to a wonderful talk about how we could be like a train going through a tunnel. Christ is the engine and made it through the tunnel to be raised from the dead. We are like the coaches, without an engine, we will not make it through the tunnel, but linked up to Christ, He will pull us through and make sure we too are raised from the dead to eternal life with Him!
Points to Ponder:
How many people did you wish a happy Easter?
How many of those people know the truth about Christ?