Tuesday 6 Apr 2021

April 6: Acts 2:36-41
Key Verse: Acts 2:37
When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’
When the people listening to the disciples realised what Peter was saying and how much they had ignored, they were cut to the heart. They wanted to know how they could put things right after supporting the crucifixion or at the least ignoring it... Nowadays we have films and many stories about what happened, some very graphic and terrible to watch... we do need to know the truth!
But we also need to remember why Christ did this and what we have to look forward to now it has been done! Christ did this all because of His love for us and because He wants us to be free from the death we often look at in our lives. I know many people around the world are still in mourning for losing friends and family to this virus or other causes, and it is at these times when we search for answers to “why!”
Far too long we have ignored the “why” by passing the blame on to others or not wanting to hear the truth. We may, one day, find out exactly where this virus came from, but even when we do – can we blame someone? Which one of us is without blame? Which one of us has not broken the rules and done something they shouldn’t have? Which one of us is without sin?
What we can do, though, is take the example from Christ and show forgiveness and mercy. He came to show us how it can be done on a grand scale – we can copy that example and do it on a smaller scale to and for the people around us. We can spread this Good News by example and leave the evil scattering, trying to find a hole to hide in. Expose the truth and put it behind you to move on with Christ!
Points to Ponder:
How many things have you done wrong already today?
Will you ask Christ for forgiveness and show Him you mean it?