Wednesday 7 Apr 2021

April 7: Acts 3:1-10
Key Verse: Acts 3:6
Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’
When I read this story, I always think of the modern professional beggars who are always in prominent places around cities, where they know they either have a captive audience, or they know the people are kind. This man had learned of the kindness of the people who came to the temple, but I’m sure he was not expecting a gift of this magnitude when he was there this day!
I also think of the saying my grandmother used to say to me when I was young - “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” This man had learned to ask for help and in those times, it was looked at as a humiliating act which he had been forced to do every day for as long as he had been lame. There was no other way he could make a living...
Peter and John stopped when the man asked them for a bit of spare change. Peter admitted to the man he did not have any money because they had learned it was not good to save up their money when it could be used for greater good. But just because they did not have any money on them this time, did not stop them from doing the greater good!
This time they relied on what Jesus had taught them and what Jesus had blessed them with because of their faith. Peter told the man to get up and walk in Jesus' name! He did not tell him to get up and walk because he was now a healer but relied on what Christ could do when he said something in Christ’s name. And Christ made sure the man was healed and was able to spread the good news to more people!
Points to Ponder:
Have you ever tried to do something and failed?
Will you invite Christ to do it with you next time?