Saturday 10 Apr 2021

April 10: Mark 16:9-15
Key Verse: Mark 16:15
He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
When you read of all the occurrences of Jesus being seen by people and interacting with them after His death and resurrection, we see a common theme developing. The people who got to know Jesus wanted to talk about Him and tell others about Him. This is exactly what Christ wants us to do – not to keep it quiet, but to tell more people so they too can believe in what has happened.
The Apostles knew Him well and knew what they had to do – to go out into the rest of the world and preach the gospel... to tell people the truth. The Apostles were confronted by priests and scribes who told them not to go round speaking of Jesus as being anything more than a man; but they could not hold back the truth and told the people in charge this is what they would continue to do – because they had witnessed the truth and had to tell people the truth!
When we get to know Jesus nowadays, we get to know the love and mercy He has for each of us. This is a very tangible truth we get to know! It is something we could just say, but people would be sceptical of what we say. But when they too get to know Christ personally, they too want to share this love, peace and mercy with others.
We will all have our doubts about what has happened and even why it happened, but the more we open our hearts and minds to the truth, the more we will recognise it as the truth and the more we will want to share this truth as well. God wants us to share this love, not just with our friends and families, but with everyone we meet, and everything we see too. God is the God of everything, not just people!
Points to Ponder:
What do you do with good news?
Will you share God’s Good News with everything?