Sunday 11 Apr 2021

April 11: Acts 4:32-35
Key Verse: Acts 4:32
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.
As our country continues to mourn the passing of our Queen’s Husband, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, we can take away the great support his role within the Royal Family played. A role which not just defined him as a man but defined how one person can do so much from a position of support. No greater role model of support has this country had than His Royal Highness The Prince Philip.
As the disciples and followers of Jesus grew in faith and in number in the early days after Jesus’ resurrection, they too learned they could do so much in their roles as humble servants of Christ. They set aside their differences and lived as a common people, all serving Christ and sharing the gospel. Through this new-found strength of working as humble people, they expanded in numbers and no person was left in need amongst them.
As God’s children, we all need to take account of the things we have in our lives and how we can use our qualities to the betterment of others. It is not our task to do all we can to become “top dog” in society or wealth, but our task to look out for God’s children in all ways we can. The more we live as one people, the more we will be able to achieve.
Yes, we do need people who are in charge, people who stand up for we are, people who are ambassadors, but we also need to remember we are one people under God. I salute the Queen and Price Philip for all they did to ensure we remember we live under one God, no matter our stature in life.
Points to Ponder:
Are you a willing and humble servant?
Lord, please take great care of our Queen and her family.