Friday 16 Apr 2021

April 16: Isaiah 59:9-11
Key Verse: Isaiah 59:11
We all growl like bears; we moan mournfully like doves. We look for justice, but find none; for deliverance, but it is far away.
Sometimes, when things go wrong we lose sight of the real things in life and all we see is what has, is and can go wrong! We assume there is no way out because we did something wrong and have to face up to what we think is the punishment. But, as is the case in so many things in life, there is always a life-line which can be reached out to.
These words describe the hopelessness we feel when we think the world around us is closing in on us. We are like blind people in a surrounding we don’t know. We have to feel our way round because we ‘see’ nothing; like we are lost in the world when others seem to be doing fine and we are not. In the middle of the day, when everyone else is seeing things just fine, we still cannot see anything – the hopelessness of it all!
We groan and moan because we are stuck in a position where we see no way out; we cannot keep quiet because it is overwhelming in every way. This is the hopelessness of the world! Christ has seen this and knows what we face. He came to change this for us so, despite everything we think is blocking us from a life of peace and joy, He opened the door so we can find our way to Him.
God send Jesus to make a difference, to switch on the lights, to open the locked doors, to remove the scales from our eyes which blind us. Christ took on the debt for all we have done wrong and frees us... but we must make the choice to open our eyes and see the truth He brings. To do this we only have to repent of our sins and Christ has promised to forgive us and give us a peace only He can give!
Points to Ponder:
Do you feel lost and bound up?
Will you turn to the truth and allow Christ to free you?