Thursday 15 Apr 2021

April 15: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 4:4
My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me.
The more Paul went round teaching people about Jesus, the more he would have been exposed to the pride and deceit which was running through the religious organisations at the time. I hesitate to call it the church because Paul was trying to open their eyes to what was going on without judging them – they had become puffed up in their ways instead of the ways God had declared.
The more we get caught up in what we think God wants, the more we try to build it up and the more puffed up we will become. This takes us away from God’s word because we are now focusing on what we think God needs instead of what He has actually asked us to do, both through His word and through what He tells us.
Paul was very quick to respond to questions about judging others because he knew he was not innocent even though people may have looked at him as being innocent because of the work he was doing. Let us never forget that! We are just as guilty doing God’s Work as doing our earthly work. We are only forgiven by Christ because He has chosen to forgive us after we admit the truth...
Paul’s conscience was clear because he knew Christ had promised to forgive him for the things he had done wrong. He knew he could stand on those promises no matter how bad things had been in the past. He knew the only one who had the right to judge him was the One who stepped forward and took his debt!
Points to Ponder:
Do you still worry about what you have done wrong?
Will you remember Christ stepped forward and took on your debt?