Friday 23 Apr 2021

April 23: 1 Peter 2:13-17
Key Verse: 1 Peter 2:13
Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,
Yes we do live in a world which seems to be based on corruption, pride and greed in so many ways and at so many levels throughout society. This does not mean we should ignore governmental authority! God wants us to follow the law of the land. If we go about breaking laws all the time, people will not be likely to listen to us when we tell them about Christ – they will assume we are going to break the rules or lie like any other person...
God wants us to be different so people take notice of us. He wants us to live lives others will strive to copy, with the ultimate task being to give glory to God like we strive to do. We should not assume we are not going to get punished if we break the law – whether that is God’s laws or man’s laws. We should all be treated the same and should all expect to receive the same treatment.
We are seeing many different things happening in the Western world where people are becoming more aware of the racism in society and are trying to change to make sure people all get treated the same no matter what race or standing they have in society. We should not expect to have preferential treatment just because we are Christians – that may not be seen as being fair!
Each of us are free because Christ has paid for our sin debt – we should live as if we know that and want to show it to others. Why should we hide our freedom? Instead, we should live according to God’s will in our lives and show all people the same dues respect as we are all God’s children!
Points to Ponder:
Do you treat everyone the same or do you have favourites?
Will you try to give everyone the same chance in your life?