Saturday 24 Apr 2021

April 24: Philippians 4:4-7
Key Verse: Philippians 4:5
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
One of the most important things as a Christian is to allow other people to see how happy you are to be a Christian. There is no greater witness than a person who is happy with what they have and how they are – so accepting the way you are, what God has given you and being content with everything God has given you is the first step forward!
God wants us to be able to love Him and to love others too – but in order to do that we have to be able to love; the first step being loving yourself or accepting yourself and being content. When we are able to do that, we then can expand that toward God and toward others. The more other people see we are happy with things, the more they will want to hear about what makes you happy and content!
God wants us to be happy and so will give us things when we ask through prayers and worship. When we begin to see how God listens to us and answers our prayers, we begin to shine in a new way where others will want to know why we are happy all the time. What better witness than being happy all the time with everything God gives you!
No, it does not come naturally to most people – we have to work at being content with things because we are surrounded by a greedy world which wants more things all the time. But when we are able to separate ourselves from the greed of the world and those around us, we begin to see how much God does give us through Christ and we begin to shine as a happy people!
Points to Ponder:
Are you happy with yourself?
Have you thanked God for you happiness lately?