Tuesday 27 Apr 2021

April 27: Mark 16:15-20
Key Verse: Mark 16:15
He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
God’s warning to us all is very real and one which many people choose to ignore because they don’t like the idea of a God who will reject anyone... but the warning is simple and stands as firm now as it was thousands of years ago: you need to believe!
Just like the people in the desert thousands of years ago were asked to look up at the bronze statue of the serpent so they could be healed, God asks us now to believe in something which we know in our hearts will not physically heal us. The statue did not do the healing in the desert, God did the healing for anyone who was willing to stop and believe He could heal them just by looking up at the statue and acknowledging God is able!
Getting dunked in water is not going to clean us and allow us to get into heaven. Saying we are Christians will not give us passage into Heaven. It is the belief in our hearts God is God and Jesus is the Son of God who came in physical form to give His life on the cross for our sakes. It is not the act of looking up at a cross or trying to sacrifice anything, but the belief if we do this, Christ will save us from our sins and guarantee us passage into Heaven to join Him and God!
When we do believe, God will allow us to do so much more than we can physically do by ourselves. Through our belief we will be able to do many signs and miracles, not because we are special, but because Jesus Christ will do things through us because of our belief... it is this belief God sees in our hearts, the state of our hearts and not the works we tell everyone about!
Points to Ponder:
What do you think of your life?
What does God think of your heart?