Wednesday 28 Apr 2021

April 28: Psalm 2:1-3
Key Verse: Psalm 2:1
Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?

Have you noticed how many people are willing to revolt against churches when they are doing the right thing? Most normal people would probably support the church if they were given the chance, but the politicians and people in charge have other ideas because they see someone who is gaining power and it is not them – so they object and pass rules against churches!
God sees every step of the governments decisions and knows what they are thinking in their hearts – just as He knows what is in our hearts. The more we are willing to give God all the glory and continue to depend on Him, the more power we will get. This is not going to be earthly power as measured by the politicians, but a power which dwells deep inside us all. This is the sort of power corrupt governments do not like!
We need to continue to stand up for good, to stand up for the poor and needy, to plead with governments and organisations to do the right thing and supply help and support for those who need it. We cannot hope to carry the debt of the poor on our shoulders, but we can help them with what we have and share just as God wants us to.
We will get the thanks from God in Heaven – eternal thanks, not just a passing thanks from someone who wants to look good for saying thanks to us! Beware the vain glory seeking people and focus on those who cry out for real help. God knows who needs the help and will be willing to show us where to go and whom to help if we stop and ask the way...
Points to Ponder:
Do you feel like organisations work against your Christian life?
Will you stand firm with God and support those who need it most?