Saturday 8 May 2021

May 8: Acts 10:44-48
Key Verse: Acts 10:45
The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles.
You can tell by the tone of these words Peter was not expecting the Holy Spirit to come on the Gentiles; after all it was the Jews who were the chosen people and the 12 Disciples who were Jews who first received the Holy Spirit in such an open way. But this is God showing His love for all people – all who are willing to believe what Jesus has accomplished and what He has promised for us all.
And, once again, it was not a private indwelling of the Spirit on a single person, but a very public outpouring of the Spirit on all the people in a crowd. This is where God shows the difference between the love a person has for another and the love which God has for us all! This is a very public and physical love as well as spiritual and all encompassing!
God continues to try and open people’s hearts to the truth, but because the world shouts very loudly at times, it is hard for people to focus on Him instead of the world. But when we join together in a crowd, we can tune out the world and focus more on God. This is why He encourages us to gather together, just as these people had gathered together to listen to Peter.
Peter encouraged those who accepted the Holy Spirit to take a very public step forward and get baptised. Which bring forward the best example of what baptism is – a public declaration of what you have already accepted in your life! Baptism is not a conversion but a show of your conversion which has already happened... and if you think otherwise then you should question why. Accept Jesus as your Saviour and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into any public declaration, don’t let the public declaration be “the thing.”
Points to Ponder:
Have you accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
Have you stopped to listen to the Holy Spirit?