Sunday 9 May 2021

May 9: Philippians 1:15-18
Key Verse: Philippians 1:18
But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.
What kind of preaching gets to you most? Is it the person who quietly sits down with you and explains the gospel, or someone who stands up on a stage and shouts out to everyone? We all have our differences and we all like different things too – but the gospel is the gospel no matter how it is preached...
I have been to very big festivals where preachers have got up on stage and talked up a storm and I have been to very small churches where the preachers have dug deep into God’s word in great details. I love both! I even like the cases where the person tells their own form of parables, using new world examples and life choices to get over the gospel as we live in it nowadays.
It is not our task to judge which preachers are the best because of how they deliver the word. It is our task to listen to and meditate on that word. God supports all styles of preacher who are willing to step forward and explain the gospel to anyone who is willing to listen. God does not choose one over the other because there is room for all kinds of preachers, teachers, pastors, vicars and the like!
The heart of the person delivering the message may well be different to our heart; they may well live a very different life to us, but as long as God is using them to reach out to someone, then they have a place in delivering the gospel just as any other preachers or teacher. Take the truth from anyone who is willing to give you the truth and try to understand how they are living their own lives...
Points to Ponder:
Do you seek the most evangelical of preacher?
How about listening to the most sincere of teacher - God?