Sunday 16 May 2021

May 16: Acts 1:15-17
Key Verse: Acts 1:17
He was one of our number and shared in our ministry.
How do you react when you find out someone who you have trusted for a long time can no longer be trusted? What if that person was part of your church family? Would that make a difference? The apostle had a very clear view of things here – he had read up in the scriptures and realised the stories he had learned about David recounting how someone would turn against the Messiah. The apostle put everything together with the help of the Holy Spirit about how Judas would betray Jesus – and this was foretold many years before Jesus came amongst them!
Sometimes we are going to struggle to see how things can possibly be from God when they seem to go so wrong. But God knows what is going to happen before we do. He has already planned the best possible way forward and how to get the right people involved at the right time to make sure His promises are kept for our sakes! He continues to uphold things because He loves us!
Just because we do not see the way forward, does not mean God cannot make a way forward. We have to put our faith and trust in Him and keep that faith and trust no matter what starts to happen around us. Sometimes we will be confused by what happens and cannot see how everything will work out for God’s glory – but it will when we listen to Him!
God is a just God. When we continue to do something wrong, we can expect to come up against Him in the end. Just as Judas had chosen the wrong side and had continued to choose the wrong side, did not mean God was going to let Him get away with things all the time. God is going to make sure the truth and justice will prevail in the end. He chose to allow Jesus to be hung on the cross so we would not have to – as long as we choose to turn away from our sins and ask for forgiveness...
Points to Ponder:
Do you get worried about the number of bad things happening in the world?
Have you noticed how there are always bad people near bad things?