Saturday 15 May 2021

May 15: Psalm 46:1-3
Key Verse: Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Just how much are you willing to place in Jesus’ hands? I know we sing about how He has the whole world in His hands – but how much do we believe that in our hearts? We continue to be troubled by what is going on in the world around us and we are side-tracked from the truth by the troubles around us... Our faith dwindles at times because it is exactly that – faith. It is our belief and trust in that belief we depend on for strength and comfort.
So, when we are feeling troubled, downtrodden or even side-tracked, it is normally the troubles of the world around us which are encroaching in our life rather than the troubles themselves. God really does have the whole world in His hands and has promised us to be here for us at all times. If we don’t believe that, then we are going to be pulled away from God by the peer pressure around us and the woes of the world...
God keeps His promises! This is why we can depend on the promises and keep our faith He will deliver us from the woes around us. The more we trust in Him, the more we will see how much he does for us. But the more we focus on the woes and troubles, the more we think they rule the world!
I love the words used by the Psalmist here saying that no matter what calamity befalls the world around us, we can be assured God is with us and keeping His promises. No matter how loud the world shouts, God’s voice will always be heard by those who choose to listen to Him. No matter how fractured our lives are, we always have a Saviour who has beaten the odds just because He loves us and kept His promise!
Points to Ponder:
How many times do you have to hear God’s promises?
Will you trust a little more today?