Saturday 22 May 2021

May 22: John 18:1-11
Key Verse: John 18:11
Jesus commanded Peter, ‘Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?’
When was the last time you compared two Gospels for a certain point in time? John wrote in his own style and recorded the events which made a bigger impact on him than others – there was only a certain amount of detail each disciple could record! John’s focus here was not on the garden where Jesus took the disciples, nor on how Judas was going to betray Jesus to the officials.
Instead, John focuses on the interaction between the soldiers and Jesus. This was a small crowd of people sent to bring Jesus back to the authorities so He would stand trial for things which were not true, a small crowd which was determined to carry out what they were being paid for. They were after the one who was called Jesus of Nazareth; so they asked His name. Jesus replies saying He is this Jesus they are looking for, not once but twice – to be sure!
When Simon Peter drew his sword and tried to fight back, Jesus stopped him after he had managed to cut off Malchus’ right ear! Jesus berated him saying this was the will of God. All what was about to happen, all that was happening was the will of God. Not a very pleasant thing to go through, but the only way which would make it possible for God to demonstrate His total love for us!
Jesus was going to obey God, no matter what! This is what we need to take away from this story – not the name of the garden, where it is, who was there, what Judas did, what Peter did... just the simple fact Jesus was going to obey God no matter the cost! This is not a cost Jesus is saying we all have to bear – He bore it for our sakes and did it once and for all!
Points to Ponder:
What is God asking you to do?
Will you obey Him?