Sunday 23 May 2021

May 23: Acts 2:1-4
Key Verse: Acts 2:3
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
I wonder what it was like to be there on this first day of Pentecost? I know we celebrate this day every year, thinking back to what happened nearly 2000 years ago, but what was it like for the people there on this first day? We can look back and put two and two together because we know Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would come to the disciples; but it was all a bit alien to them then!
I have been in places where we hear the wind blowing whilst we prayed, and it always made me think of these verses. Yet in the Old Testament we read how the Spirit may not appear when the wind blows hard, during earthquakes or other visible prompts – sometimes God is whispering to us in the quietest of voices which are hard to hear. It is up to us to listen for the right thing!
No matter how the Spirit makes themselves known to us, we will know, and we will see the results! It may not be the earth-rumbling shakes of an earthquake, but the results will be as visible to us as the results of an earthquake; we may not realise it until after the event, but we will know.
I pray this day we each get to know and feel the presence of God in a very special way just as the disciples had a very special demonstration of the Spirit indwelling them on this day so long ago. God wants us to know Him from the inside out, not just as someone we have to think about and wonder whether He is there. God wants us to know His presence and know He is with us every step of every day. But it has to start by us waiting on Him...
Points to Ponder:
How often do you wait on God?
Will you wait expecting Him to show you something special today?