Monday 7 Jun 2021

June 7: Genesis 3:8-15
Key Verse: Genesis 3:8
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
What do you do when you know you have done something wrong and have just been found out? Do you run from the situation and try and hide, or do you stop and face up to what is going to happen? Yes, it’s probably going to depend on what you have done wrong and what sort of trouble you will get into... So you don’t have to answer!
When we do something wrong in our lives, God is not going to turn away from us and ignore us because we have sinned – He is more likely to come looking for us and find out why we did what we did! The same can be said for many of our friends – they will want to find out why we did what we did and help us to get things straight again.
When we hear that small voice in our heads saying “don’t do it!” it may well be God trying to get through to us so we don’t run off and commit the sin in the first place. God does not want to continually run after us and get us back on track – He would much rather we stayed on track and listened when He tells us we are about to fall flat on our faces! God is not the God of punishment. God is just, but because of His mercy He is more likely to warn you before you fall!
But, when we do fall and break the rules, we will have to face the music at some stage. We cannot keep running from the truth and running from God and His rules! It’s not us who are inherently evil, but the world we live in and the evil one who tricks us into doing those evil things just because he can! God may have won the war over sin, but we face continual skirmishes all the time as he picks and prods at us to stop us from drawing closer to God.
Points to Ponder:
Do you feel the weight of sin?
Will you ask Christ to help with your burden?